Thursday, March 12, 2009

Gena Davis Sherwood

1. Where are you living right now? Kirtland NM
2. Are you married? If so, who did you marry? I am married to Mark Sherwood.
3. Do you have any kids? If so, names and ages. Kensie 17, Kade 15, Kace 13
4. Do you have a college degree? From where and in what? N/A
5. What do you do for a living? I do inhouse bookeeping for 6 companies.
6. How many places have you lived since graduation? Name them. Las Vegas NV, Kirtland NM, Aztec NM, Snowflake AZ, back to Kirtland NM
7. Briefly summarize any other major events that have happened in your life since graduation. Having and raising my family is my on going major event.
8. What is your favorite memory of high school? I have so many: cheer, dances after games, Homecoming week, football and basketball games, Shayla's yellow truck, Monica's bug, silly songs, keds, hair, music, lunch at Whiting's, cruising, mugs, Bagatelle, french fries at Rhino's, Country Girl, decorating for Prom, dinner in RV before prom our Soph year (YIKES), after the Homecoming Game our Senior year, friends, and lots of laughter!!!
9. What are some of your favorite songs from high school? I love all 80's music. I still have it on all the time.
10. Who is the teacher/class you remember most from high school? Mrs. Udall's Home Arts. I loved that class!!!
11. If you could go back, what would you change about your high school years? I'm glad I went there once but I don't want to even think about going back!!
12. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? Still in Kirtland, working hard, being a grandma, and so happy!!
13. What is one accomplishment since high school that you are proud of? My Children! They are the single most important accomplishment I will ever make!!
14. What is one piece of advice you would give a future graduate of SJHS? Just relax and have tons of fun!!
15. Anything else you want to say to your former classmates? Can't wait to see you all.