Friday, March 13, 2009

Marco Taborda

1. Where are you living right now? Sioux Falls SD
2. Are you married? If so, who did you marry? Still am I can’t believe it either
3. Do you have any kids? If so, names and ages. Riley 12, Madisyn 7, Kailee 4, Logan 1.5 and that’s it as far as I know of.
4. Do you have a college degree? From where and in what? My broadcasting degree Phx
5. What do you do for a living? DSD Clerk and I work in Radio for Backyard broadcasting
6. How many places have you lived since graduation? Name them. Phoenix and Sioux Falls SD
7. Briefly summarize any other major events that have happened in your life since graduation. No major events just more kids.
8. What is your favorite memory of high school? The Donkey Kong game across the street from the school
9. What are some of your favorite songs from high school? Any Cure, Depeche Mode or New Order.
10. Who is the teacher/class you remember most from high school? Mr Collins
11. If you could go back, what would you change about your high school years? Try to be more Assertive
12. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? To have won the lottery with a French maid name Fifi.
13. What is one accomplishment since high school that you are proud of? Graduation
14. What is one piece of advice you would give a future graduate of SJHS? Stay away from credit cards
15. Anything else you want to say to your former classmates Hello