Thursday, March 12, 2009

Destri Lockhart

1. Where are you living right now? Lewis, CO
2. Are you married? If so, who did you marry? No I am not currently married?
3. Do you have any kids? If so, names and ages. Yes, Tanner Lockhart (boy, age 13) and Cayce Storm Lockhart (girl, age 11)
4. Do you have a college degree? From where and in what? Yes, I have a bachelor of science from ASU in Justice Studies with a minor in psychology
5. What do you do for a living? I am currently not working.
6. How many places have you lived since graduation? Name them. Springerville, AZ; Prescott, AZ; Brownsville, TX; Cortez, CO; Wheatridge, CO; Goodyear, AZ (prison)
7. Briefly summarize any other major events that have happened in your life since graduation. Well there is good and bad- the short version- graduated from college, moved to Colorado bought my own home with acreage, worked for county government for seven years, raised two wonderful kids - THEN screwed it all up let addiction overtake me ended up with a criminal record spent 4 years in jail and prison in three states. Am home now with my family and doing really good - thanks to their support and God's!!!
8. What is your favorite memory of high school? High School Rodeo
9. What are some of your favorite songs from high school? Don't remember the songs but Bon Jovi and George Strait
10. Who is the teacher/class you remember most from high school? Mrs. Borg - English
11. If you could go back, what would you change about your high school years? I would not go back there even to change it!!!
12. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? With a successful life again living happily with my kids and animals!
13. What is one accomplishment since high school that you are proud of? My college education and having and raising my kids!
14. What is one piece of advice you would give a future graduate of SJHS? Never give up and get out of St. Johns, quick!
15. Anything else you want to say to your former classmates? Not really - Enjoy life - but not too much!! I wish you all the best!!